Automated Aquaponics System


This project is the realization of an autonomous aquaponics environment I worked on with Ethan Michalak and Damien Stoffel. We chose to develop this as our project for our Engineering Design & Development class. Over the course of nine months, our team designed, prototyped, and fabricated a portable, fully-automated aquaponics system for use in research and academic instruction. At the end of the year, we donated the system to the biology and environmental sciences classes at our school, where it is being used to help students with research projects and other demonstrations.

System Overview

Electronics and Software

The whole system is accessible through a web interface running on the Raspberry Pi written in Flask. This interface is visible when connected to the network broadcasted by the Pi. The webserver periodically queries the two DS18B20 thermometers and the EZO pH Sensor, and displays the information for the end user to see. This data is also recorded in a .csv file which is stored on the Pi, and can be downloaded from the webserver for future reference and analysis.

The two water pumps are controlled by the PLC. This ensures that no matter what happens to the Raspberry Pi, the water continues cycling throughout the system.

Power to the system in supplied through an normal AC outlet. The AC power is directly supplied to the growlight, and converted to 12V DC power to control the PLC and the water pumps. 12V DC power is too much for the Raspberry Pi or its sensors to handle, so the voltage is stepped down through the use of a LM7805 chip. The Raspberry Pi can optionally be powered over USB as well.


Below is a chronological collection of images from our fabrication process. Click on any image to learn more.

A plastic cart was bought for portability, modularity, and to make the overall build process faster.
4" PVC pipe was used to make the channels. The three channels were built to fit the top of the cart.
Four 3.5" holes were cut in each channel using a hole saw.
Wooden stands were used to suspend the growlight.
A thermometer is embedded into the hydroponic system to measure temperature at predetermined intervals.
The control panel was 3D printed to house the Raspberry Pi, PLC, and power adapter.
Connected directly to the Raspberry Pi is two thermometers and a temperature sensor. The sensor mount is modular and made to be replaced easily on the control panel.
The initial prototype for the NFT units was successful, with the roots growing into and through the lattice structure. Black ABS was later swapped for white ASA to prevent the plant from heating up and to prevent degredation ABS experiences from the UV light.
To save time while the full aquaoponics system was being constructed, plants began growing in a miniature hydroponics settings inside the NFT units.
The control panel fully connected.
The final system, with all parts assembled.
The functional prototype.


We'd like to extend a special thanks to the following people for helping us out immensely with this project:

- Kristine Jennings, for use of her classroom and her expert knowledge of aquaponics and biology.
- Robert Michalak, for his extensive knowledge of electronics and fantastic encouragement.
- Michael Martin, for everything.